Church Worship and Fellowship Schedule | 教会主日崇拜和团契时间安排
Sunday Worship | 主日崇拜 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM : English Worship 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM : Chinese [Read more...]
Church Parking Guide | 教会停车指南
教会建筑物周围可停车区域为地图内绿色标示区域. 红色标示区域内请不要停车否则会有被开罚单或锁车风险. 教会附近其他可停车区域如下图所示: [Read more...]
HCCC Children’s Easter Party!
You’re Invited to the HCCC Children’s Easter Party! Where: 958 Barrington [Read more...]
HCCC Sunday School Christmas Party!
You’re Invited! To the HCCC Sunday School Christmas Party! With Songs, Story, Crafts, Snacks [Read more...]
HCCC Fall Retreat 2018 Registration

The church annual fall retreat is almost here! The annual fall retreat is a time to set aside our [Read more...]
[视频] 2018全加海外中国巡回布道会-加东区 神立天定地的话语
2018全加海外中国巡回布道会-加东区 神立天定地的话语
2018全加海外中国巡回布道会-加东区 神立天定地的话语 时间:四月14号,周六,晚间7:30 地点:夏城华人基督教会, 958 Barrington Street 讲员:李心明 [Read more...]
HCCC Children’s Easter Party!

You’re Invited to the HCCC Children’s Easter Party! Where: 958 Barrington St. Date: [Read more...]