[2022-06-26] 没有中立的爱或恨 (Love or Hate: The Nonexistent Middle Ground)
没有中立的爱或恨 Love or Hate: The Nonexistent Middle Ground 1 John 约翰一书 3:11-24 3:11 我们应当彼此相爱, [Read more...]
[2022-06-19] 饶恕人, 就必蒙饶恕 (Forgive Others and Be Forgiven)
饶恕人, 就必蒙饶恕 Forgive Others and Be Forgiven Luke 路加福音 6:36-42 6:36 你们要慈悲, 像你们的父慈悲一样。 [Read more...]
[2022-06-12] 难解难分的命运 (Inseparable Fate)
难解难分的命运 Inseparable Fate Mark 马可福音 7:25-30 7:25 当下, 有一个妇人, 她的小女儿被污鬼附着, 听见耶稣的事, [Read more...]
[2022-06-05] 圣灵的感动 (The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit)
圣灵的感动 The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit John 约翰福音 16:7-13 16:7 然而我将真情告诉你们, 我去是与你们有益的。 我若不去, [Read more...]
[2022-05-22] 上帝的作为, 和人的责任 (God’s Act and Man’s Responsibility)
上帝的作为, 和人的责任 God’s Act and Man’s Responsibility Mark 马可福音 9:20-29 9:16 耶稣问他们说: “你们和他们辩论的是什么? [Read more...]
[2022-05-08] 不要忘记抵挡魔鬼 (Do Not Forget to Resist the Devil)
不要忘记抵挡魔鬼 (Do Not Forget to Resist the Devil) 讲道稿: 20220508 Do Not Forget to Resist the Devil [Read more...]
[2022-04-24] 百夫长的信心 (The Faith of the Centurion)
百夫长的信心 The Faith of the Centurion 讲道稿: 20220424 The Faith of the Centurion
Uncovering issues to Chinese college student ministry in Canada to facilitate missional engagement by the church
Alen Mao's Thesis at Acadia University. Uncovering issues to Chinese college student ministry in [Read more...]
[2021-08-29] 得享安息 (Securing Our Rest)
2021-08-29 Matt 马太福音 11:25-30 11:25 [Read more...]