Brother Hong Tang Remembrance & Celebration of Life 唐宏弟兄追思暨生命庆典

Hong TANG Age 42 of Halifax, passed away peacefully on December 28th, 2017 at home. [Read more...]
Hong TANG Age 42 of Halifax, passed away peacefully on December 28th, 2017 at home. [Read more...]
2017-12-31 耶稣是我们生命的主 Jesus, the Lord of our Lives 1 Thes [Read more...]
1 Thes 帖撒罗尼迦前书4:13-18 4:13 论到睡了的人,我们不愿意弟兄们不知道,恐怕你们忧伤,像那些没有指望的人一样。 4:14 [Read more...]
You’re Invited! To…HCCC Children’s Christmas Party
You are invited to… Halifax Chinese Christian Church’s Children Easter Party
试炼带出的救恩 Salvation through Trials James 1:1-18 1:1 作 神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各,请散住十二个支派之人的安。 1:2 [Read more...]
Luke 路加福音 9:23-25 9:23 耶稣又对众人说:“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。 9:24 [Read more...]
2016-03-13 人服侍主,父必尊重 Father Honors those who Serve the Son John 约翰福音 12:24-30 12:24 [Read more...]